Latest Episodes
Episode 4.10: Crawdaddy
A New Orleans retail estate tycoon threatens the city with a weather controlling machine...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is delivering donuts.
Episode 4.9: Eight Heads in a Birkin Bag
A former adversary needs the EMF to steal back experimental cloning technology from her ex-husband...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is catching up with an old friend.
Episodes 4.8: Zero Dork Thirty
The military secrets of a reclusive hostile government are hidden inside a soon-to-be released tabletop game...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is feeding the animals.
Episode 4.7: Tinder Grindr Soldier Spy
To retrieve stolen missiles, the EMF must infiltrate a dating app convention...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is on the front porch.
Episode 4.6: Skipteen Candles
The EMF is going to prom...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is at a pool party.
Episode 4.5: NFTs at the Gates
Government secrets hidden in NFTs are being auctioned off at a tech convention...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is talking to himself.
Episode 4.4: Nuns of Anarchy
Arms dealers are vying for control of rare Earth materials hidden beneath a convent...and Special Agent Chet Philips is getting shock treatment.
Episode 4.3: “Ghost Pepper Protocol”
The EMF must infiltrate a mafia family dinner...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is in therapy.
Bowden Montcrief’s “The Raven”
Happy Halloween from Mission: Rejected! To celebrate the haunting season, Bowden attempts to record “The Raven”!
Episode 4.2: Kangaroo Jacked
The EMF is racing a rival agency in a global treasure hunt to retrieve a valuable cultural artifact...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is in a Chuck E. Cheese.
Episode 4.1: The Borscht Identity
A shadowy operative threatens the global intelligence community...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is at Denny's.
EMF Declassified: Interrogations
The cast and crew of Mission: Rejected are randomly paired together for a round robin "ask me anything" style interview!
Episode 3.12: Coldfinger
The Admiral is ready to unleash alien forces upon the world...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is one of them.
Episode 3.11: Yours Truly, Skip Granger
An old case file holds the key to The Admiral's plans...and Special Agent Skip Granger hears it like an old time radio show.
Episode 3.10: The Man from F.E.L.I.N.E.
A cocky art thief steals a strategically important country's national seal...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is returning phone calls.
Episode 3.9: Six Characters in Search of a Murderer
The cast of the cult TV show "Acquaintances" has reunited on New Year's Eve...and Bowden Montcrief has been murdered.
Interlude: The Offer
While showing Gloria around Hollywood, Bowden Montcrief gets an unexpected offer...from an unexpected source. A prelude to Episode 3.09.
Episode 3.8: Total Eclipse of the BART
McGrath gets inside information about a serial arsonist who wants to burn San Francisco to the ground...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is in the dining car.
Episode 3.7: Casino Royale with Cheese
The EMF must infiltrate an underground casino frequented by the mob...and Special Agent Chet Phillips is stopping for ice cream.