The Cast
Chris Klaniecki as Skip Granger
Chris Klaniecki (he/him/his) is sincerely humbled to be among such excellent and admirable cast- and crew-mates. When not fretting about whether he forgot to re-color-code his Films To Watch Next list by genre subdivided by director and Bechdel Test status before remembering to take a break from practicing Skip’s headspace between Mission: Rejected recording sessions, he may often be found cooking, building Lego, being a cat dad for two lovably silly floofballs, or practicing some guitar. In the 9-to-5, he works at a higher-ed place managing and supporting a host of research and engagement projects co-led by campus faculty and their international collaborators. He graduated from a tiny liberal arts school with dual B.A.’s in Chinese and Theater Studies, the latter with a focus on Shakespeare in addition to directing and lighting design, and he has acted in a whole bunch of stuff before, during, and since. He especially thanks Michael and John for putting up with his dumb puns between takes; Pete for putting up with all the extra takes he requests because he was too busy thinking of dumb puns to get the first take right; Paige for putting up with his dumb punning while she gamely tries to keep him on-plot during episode co-writing sessions; and Nazli for being the hands-down best/most good-humored/most supportive/most-likely-to-have-food-on-hand-for-method-acting scene partner ever.
Nazli Sarpkaya as Mackenzie McGrath
Nazli Sarpkaya is a Turkish actress based in New York City. After getting her MFA in Acting from Brooklyn College, she appeared in many on stage productions in New York. Her Off-Broadway debut Angry Young Man was extended to have a run at Guild Hall of East Hampton which was followed by many other regional productions. She was seen in plays like Heartland and Broken Stones at InterAct Theatre in Philadelphia, and Naked Influence at Capital Repertory Theatre in Albany. She is the co-creator of VOWS: The Series which has won Best Pilot at DC Independent Film Festival and NYC Webfest, as well as a Best Pilot nomination from SOHO Film Festival. She shares Mackenzie McGrath’s passion for sushi and everything food. You can also hear her as Beyza in Deconstructive Criticism; and Lisa Coney-Smith in We Fix Space Junk.
Dave Stanger as Bowden Montcrief
Dave is thrilled to be reunited with the Porch Room gang and to be working with such a marvelous cast! A Philadelphia based actor, director and voice artist, he is perhaps best known for his work with the Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium, a theater company specializing in absurdist theater where his favorite productions include Rhinoceros (Jean), Waiting for Godot (Lucky) and Franz Kafka’s The Castle (K), amongst others. Elsewhere in Philadelphia: The Arden Theater Company, The Walnut Street Theater and The Philadelphia Shakespeare Festival to name a few. Regionally: Much Ado About Nothing (Don John) at The Shakespeare Theater Festival of Washington DC and The Merchant of Venice (Solanio) with The Shakespeare Festival of New Jersey. Voice acting credits include work with The History Channel, PBS Kids TV, The National Constitution Center as well as numerous commercials, industrials, audio books and one incredibly brief stint as the voice of Beelzebub (work is work, people). He holds a BA in Theater/English from Muhlenberg College. When not behind the mic or on stage, he enjoys nothing so much as a delicious cup of tea, a comfy armchair and never leaving his house because he is, in fact, a hobbit. Much love to his wife, Kristen and daughter, Robin.
Paige Klaniecki as Gloria Kovak
Paige is a podcaster, writer, and actor. She is part of the writing team of Mission: Rejected, for which she also acts, and has had several short plays performed with the Philadelphia Dramatists Center and the Underground Shakespeare Company. Her voice can be heard in episodes of the audio fiction podcasts Cryptic and Oz-9. A Philadelphia native, she currently resides in Los Angeles where she works in entertainment research & analysis.
Faith Dowgin as Zelda Anders
By day, Faith works in non-profit management as a governance specialist. In her spare time, she is the volunteer Managing Director of Circle Players, one of New Jersey's oldest community theaters.
In addition to her work on Mission:Rejected, she can also be heard on the indie podcasts Listen Rinse Repeat, Bodies in Space, and Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason.
Kirk White as Chet Phillips
Kirk White received his MFA in acting from the University of North Carolina Greensboro and has written, acted, and directed on varying degrees of awesome throughout the continental United States. He was a finalist (aka FIRST Guy booted) on Starz Network's Looking for Starz and his play, Colorblind'd, was a "must see" at the NYC International Fringe Festival. Up next, aside from more adventures as EVERYONE's FAVORITE AGENT, he can be seen as Charles along side Zoey Deutch in Quinn Shephard's Not Okay (Fox Searchlight), named a "must see" summer film by IndieWire. He is a figure of note in the world of Global Logistics.
Katerina McGrath as Mission Voice
Kat is a Physicist by training and a Software Architect by profession. She spends her free time woodworking and complaining to the writers that the Mission Voice is "too likeable and optimistic". Her hermitage is in Delaware and asks that pilgrims submit a written application at least 8 weeks prior to arrival, including 3 non-relative references.
This bio will self-destruct in 15 seconds.
Ashley Banks as Athena O’Brien
International woman of mystery.
Jill Ivey as Cassandra Helsinki, Others
Jillian Ivey is a writer, editor, yoga instructor, and erstwhile actor in Philadelphia. A native of El Paso, Texas, Jill’s first role was the evil queen in a fifth-grade production of Snow White. Since then she has appeared on stage as a singing magazine editor (Lady in the Dark), a gullible Manhattanite (Six Degrees of Separation), an increasingly drunk party guest (Neil Simon’s Rumors), and an assortment of infamous Shakespearean characters. She has also directed, stage managed, and served as dramaturg in various productions. Jill has two degrees in creative writing (BA, University of Pennsylvania; MFA, Rutgers University Camden) and has written and performed three solo one-act plays. She has now lost count of how many characters she’s played on Mission Rejected.
But we haven’t: Jill also plays reporter Connie St. Stevens, Annie Willmont, Abbie, Elle Mae Sederstrom, Lex Hammond, Harley, Nancy the Real Estate Agent, the EMF techie, the gun range mom, the Western Union Woman, and just about every computer voice on the show, including Siri.
Bob Killion as The Admiral & Others
When he's not becoming one with the ocean, Bob is becoming many with his roles in Mission Rejected. A lover of all things dramatic and creative, he has found a wonderful outlet and community in the show. When not recording a host of silly voices, you can find him playing the guitar, writing, singing, jogging, exploring his home of Philadelphia, or developing software.
Besides The Admiral, Bob’s roles include Security Guy, Archie Grant, Fitz, Anchorman Steve Connors, Jimmy Serafillio, Bart Bradoff, Noam Chomsky, Orson Wells, Russian Hacker, Vlad Papuga, one of the Cattle Barons, and many others.
Supporting Players

Karen Yang as Dr. Karol Legrange
Shannon Perry as Dr. Hermonie Pickle
John Dowgin as Dr. Biff Studebaker
J. Michael DeAngelis as Larry Hastings and Davin Ford
Pete Barry as Kristatos O'Brien and Ted Desoto

Rebecca Serfass as Lucky Lesmacher

Dave Serfass as Sandy Bottoms and J.J. Prescott

Eric Werner as Balthazar Montcrief
Sarah Rhea Werner as Pat
Natty Leach as Valerian
Eric Perry as Whitmire

Jean Barry as Quinn Corrino
David S. Dear as Terry Millionaire and Caterer S. Dear

Kristen Norine as Dr. Wiles

Jackie Sherman & Dustin Karrat as Various