Gloria Kovak, P.I.: China Clown

Gloria Kovak, P.I. logo

There are a million stories in the big city. This is one of the stupidest.

Written by
John Dowgin

Directed by
Pete Barry

Paige Klaniecki as Gloria Kovak
Dave Stanger as Bowden Montcrief
Bob Killion as Jake Mittens
J. Michael DeAngelis as Giuseppe Toro
Pete Barry as Mad Monty
and John Dowgin as Sherman Stickler

Music, sound mixing and editing by
Pete Barry

A complete transcript of this minisode is available here.

Created and Produced by
Pete Barry, J. Michael DeAngelis, and John Dowign
Associate Producer: Paige Klaniecki

Sound effect attributions below. All other sound effects by Pete Barry.


Gloria Kovak, P.I.: The Big Float


Gloria Kovak, P.I.: The Long Pancake